Solar panel
Going Green With TOPCon Solar Cells Sep 21,2023

Solar energy has emerged as a prominent source of renewable energy, and advancements in solar cell technology continue to drive its growth. Amongst the various solar cell technologies, TOPCON stands out as a promising and innovative approach.

I. What is TOPCON Solar Cell Technology?

TOPCON (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) technology is a cutting-edge solar cell technology that has gained significant attention in the renewable energy industry. It offers several advantages over traditional solar cell technologies, making it a promising option for enhancing the efficiency and performance of solar panels.

At its core, TOPCON solar cells feature a unique design that incorporates a tunnel oxide layer in the passivated contact structure. This allows for better electron extraction and reduces recombination losses, resulting in increased power output and improved conversion efficiency.

II.Advantages and challenges of TOPCON Solar Cell Technology


  • Improved Efficiency: The tunnel oxide layer and passivated contact structure reduce recombination losses, allowing for better charge carrier collection and improved overall efficiency. This translates into increased power output and enhanced performance of solar panels.
  • Better Low-Light Performance: TOPCON solar cells demonstrate superior performance in low-light conditions. The passivated rear contact structure enables the cells to generate electricity even in suboptimal lighting environments, such as under cloudy skies or in shaded areas.
  • Temperature Tolerance: TOPCON solar cells exhibit higher temperature tolerance compared to traditional solar cell technologies.

B: Challenges:

Complex Manufacturing Process: The manufacturing process of TOPCON solar cells can be more intricate and intricate compared to conventional solar cell technologies.

Research and Development: While TOPCON solar cell technology shows great promise, ongoing research and development efforts are necessary to optimize its performance further.

III. The applications of TOPCON solar cell technology

Currently, TOPCON technology has been successfully used in utility-scale solar power plants, residential and commercial installations, off-grid applications, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), portable and mobile power solutions, etc.

From utility-scale power plants to residential installations, remote locations, building integration, and portable solutions, TOPCON cells continue to drive the adoption of solar energy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

SUNKEAN TOPCON Solar Modules based on M10 wafer, the best choice for ultra-large power plantsAdvanced module technology delivers superior module efficiency. Excellent outdoor power generation performance and high module quality ensure long-term reliability.

In addition, SUNKEAN's three types of 240W280W & 340W solar panels are all less than 20kg in weight, and all have a conversion rate of around 25%. They are specially designed for European rooftops.

By opting for SUNKEAN solar modules, you contribute to a sustainable future powered by clean and renewable energy.

If you would like to know more about SUNKEAN TOPCON modules or you are looking for suitable modules for your photovoltaic project, please contact us:

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